
What the Experts have to say

Dr. Joe Guarnera

Specialist in bio-mechanical and biochemical medicine with over 30 years clinical use of botanical extract. His research in nutritional biochemistry allowed for the design and evaluation in nutrient programs for world- class athletes.

Seven+ provides the raw materials for the body to defend, repair, regenerate, regulate, and maintain itself in all body systems

James Jamieson

World-renownedPharmacologist and Pharmacognosistwho has consulted for Merck & Co., 3M, GlaxoSmithKline, Armour Pharmaceutical, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Warner Lambert and Dow Chemical. He has developed more that 200 pharmaceutical products and is recognized as an expert in drug delivery systems.

We source only the world’s best raw materials, test them for biological activity, incorporate proprietary delivery technology and manufacture to certified standards for all eXfuze products. After 50 years of formulation experience, eXfuze products are the best available

Dr. Marcus Kuypers
Board-certified emergency physician with an extensive experience in the emergency setting. He has considerable experience with alternative therapies including, energetic medicine, medical acupuncture, nutritional and herbal applications.

When you ingest Seven+, the digestion and the absorption rate happens almost immediately. While in their raw natural form, the nutritionally relevant components are in large particles and locked up in complex molecular bundles. The extraction process removes what you don’t need, and that means the particles are smaller. And because they’re smaller, the likelihood that they can be absorbed by the cells increases dramatically. Plus, the technology that fuzes those extracts together creates a delivery system that enables the nutrients to easily reach cells as part of your body’s natural regenerative hydration process. It’s science - making your body work more effectively to heal and maintain itself

Apa Kata Mereka??

"Saya telah menjalani pembedahan mata minor dan mata membengkak. Selepas 13 hari saya mengambil Seven+, kesan bengkak tersebut telah hilang dan mata saya semakin pulih. Produk ini betul-betul berkesan..."
Mr Edward Lee, Kuala Lumpur

"Ketika hamil di bulan ke-4 doktor memberitahu bahawa kandungan darah saya rendah untuk keadaan saya. Selepas mengambil Seven+ selama 3 minggu, saya menziarahi doktor untuk pemeriksaan berjadual saya. Beliau terkejut dengan pertambahan kandungan darah saya yang meningkat dari 9 ke 12. Beliau juga membuat ujian semula untuk memastikan kesahihan tersebut..."
Pn Asnie, Kuala Lumpur.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eczema ialah sejenis penyakit atau masalah kulit yang biasa ditemui, di mana kulit menjadi tersangat gatal dan meruam. Dikatakan eczema dan kulit alergik adalah penyakit kulit warisan, dan sesetengah eczema disertai dengan masalah asthma.

Perkataan eczema nampaknya tidak asing lagi kerana banyak orang yang menghadapi masalah ini. Eczema biasanya terdapat di muka, tangan, lengan, lutut, peha, betis dan kaki serta di beberapa bahagian tubuh yang lain. Pada bayi, eczema selalu terdapat di muka dan bahagian badan yang lain dalam bentuk tompok-tompok merah. Kawasan yang terkena eczema kelihatan sangat kering, menebal atau bersisik. Bagi mereka yang berkulit cerah atau putih, kawasan eczema ini pada mulanya kelihatan kemerah-merahan dan kemudiannya bertukar warna menjadi coklat terutamanya apabila ia selalu digaru dan terdedah kepada infeksi kuman. Oleh itu, cuba elakkan daripada menggaru dengan kuat sehingga luka atau berdarah. Eczema yang teruk memang kelihatan hodoh dan menjijikkan.

Penyebab sebenar eczema tidak diketahui tetapi ia dikaitkan dengan tindakan overaktif (terlampau) sistem imuniti badan kepada sebarang benda/keadaan yang menyebabkan eczema atau kulit gatal, seperti bersentuh dengan kain yang kasar yang menyebabkan kulit gatal, persekitaran yang terlalu panas atau terlalu sejuk, terdedah kepada beberapa produk kegunaan di rumah (i.e. sesetengah sabun membasuh kain atau pembersih rumah lain yang mengandungi bahan kimia yang kuat).

Walaupun masalah eczema ini tidak boleh dipulihkan sepenuhnya, tetapi ia boleh dikawal dengan rawatan dan ubat, rawatan herba, elakkan daripada kulit menjadi terlalu kering dengan memakai krim pelembab kulit serta jauhkan daripada bahan-bahan yang boleh menyebabkan kulit gatal. Jangan risau, eczema tidak berjangkit kepada orang lain, tidak seperti penyakit kulit lain yang disebabkan oleh bakteria atau fungus (i.e. kurap,

SevenPlus boleh digunakan sebagai salah satu ikhtiar untuk merawat eczema.. Ramai testimoni yang berjaya pulih dengan mengamalkan SevenPlus.

INGIN TAHU LEBIH LANJUT ...Sila taip 'SAYA NAK' KE Inbox saya untuk harga promosi di
ATAU HUBUNGI whatsapp/sms ke 011 2512 5590.

Awas dengan symptom2 sakit buah pinggang.. Kadang2 kita fikir perkara itu remeh tapi bila dah melarat semua dah tak guna.. Kesihatan tiada nilai.. In Shaa Allah SevenPlus dapat membantu mengurangkan risiko buah pinggang anda daripada rosak.. Hargailah diri anda..

Must read & share..

We bring you a very valuable article telling you about 12 symptoms of kidney disease you shouldn't ignore. Please read, do share with friends and family, maybe you'll save a life!

12 symptoms of kidney disease you shouln’t ignore

Most people are not aware of the fact that kidney diseases can be silent killers. They may not show any symptoms for a long time till the situation becomes critical. It is important to recognize the symptoms of kidney diseases to catch them early. Here is a list of twelve such symptoms you should look out for:

1.Changes in your urinary function : The first symptom of kidney disease is changes the amount, frequency of your urination. There may be an increase or decrease in amount and/or its frequency, especially at night. It may also look more dark coloured. You may feel the urge to urinate but are unable to do so when you get to the restroom.

2. Difficulty or pain during voiding : Sometimes you have difficulty or feel pressure or pain while voiding. Urinary tract infections may cause symptoms such as pain or burning during urination. When these infections spread to the kidneys they may cause fever and pain in your back.

3. Blood in the urine : This is a symptom of kidney disease which is a definite cause for concern. There may be other reasons, but it is advisable to visit your doctor in case you notice it.

4.Swelling : Kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from the body. When they are unable to do so, this extra fluid will build up causing swelling in your hands, feet, ankles and/or your face.

5.Extreme fatigue and generalised weakness : Your kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin which helps make red blood cells that carry oxygen. In kidney disease lower levels of erythropoietin causes decreased red blood cells in your body resulting in anaemia. There is decreased oxygen delivery to cells causing generalised weakness and extreme fatigue.

6. Dizziness & Inability to concentrate : Anaemia associated with kidney disease also depletes your brain of oxygen which may cause dizziness, trouble with concentration, etc.

7.Feeling cold all the time : If you have kidney disease you may feel cold even when in a warm surrounding due to anaemia. Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) may cause fever with chills.

8.Skin rashes and itching : Kidney failure causes waste build-up in your blood. This can causes severe itching and skin rashes.

9. Ammonia breath and metallic taste : Kidney failure increases level of urea in the blood (uraemia). This urea is broken down to ammonia in the saliva causing urine-like bad breath called ammonia breath. It is also usually associated with an unpleasant metallic taste (dysgeusia) in the mouth.

10.Nausea and vomiting : The build-up of waste products in your blood in kidney disease can also cause nausea and vomiting.

11.Shortness of breath : Kidney disease causes fluid to build up in the lungs. And also, anaemia, a common side-effect of kidney disease, starves your body of oxygen. You may have trouble catching your breath due to these factors.

12. Pain in the back or sides : Some cases of kidney disease may cause pain. You may feel a severe cramping pain that spreads from the lower back into the groin if there is a kidney stone in the ureter. Pain may also be related to polycystic kidney disease, an inherited kidney disorder, which causes many fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. Interstitial cystitis, a chronic inflammation of the bladder wall, causes chronic pain and discomfort.

13.It is important to identify kidney disease early because in most cases the damage in the kidneys can’t be undone. To reduce your chances of getting severe kidney problems, see your doctor when you observe one or more of the above symptoms. If caught early, kidney disease can be treated very effectively.

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PM ATAU HUBUNGI whatsapp/sms ke 011 2512 5590


2 months ago I was introduced to this one product called the Seven+ by a friend of mine. At first, I was completely skeptical about it. I have tried so many products and invested so much but the outcome was always the same. No difference. Nevertheless, something was telling me at the back of my head to just give it a try. After all, it was considerably cheap compared to the other products that i have tried before. After barely a month and a half of consuming the Seven+, I was so glad to know that I am no longer the person I was before! Within a month, I lost 6 KG, my blood pressure is finally back to normal, my cholesterol has gone down and my gastric,backache and arthrithis are also gone. This product has really changed not just my life, but also to the rest of my family and friends who had consumed the Seven+. No artifical preservative, no added sugar/sweetener,liquid not pills,extract not juice but just 7 types of legendary fruits that are world's most sought. I love this product and i thank my friend for making me part of this success. If you think that you have complications or would just like to continuously get healthier, you can always PM me on Facebook. Its for everybody from the age of 1 day. Remember that im not selling this product, im just purely sharing this good news to you and let you decide. Nonetheless, thank you Exfuze Seven+. Have a great day ahead everyone!

Ursula Michael - KK, Sabah, Malaysia